Every day, water treatment plants across the country work to remove contaminants from our water supply. However, a significant amount of treated water still leaks out of urban water systems every year. In fact, an estimated 32 billion cubic meters of treated water is lost each year due to leaks in pipes and other infrastructure. This not only wastes a precious resource, but it also puts a strain on treatment facilities. At ilonnati innovations, we are working to enable progress towards sustainability by facilitating water and energy security through digital transformation and Industry 4.0 technologies. Our well-integrated combination of IoT devices, an IoT platform suite, and configurable business services produces a seamless end-to-end IT choreography that supports intelligent operations and improved business process execution. This helps our clients achieve specific business objectives towards sustainable development. Together, we can help make our water systems more efficient and reduce the impact of leaks on our environment.

Need Internet of Water (IoW)

Weak water distribution programs and plans in the current system are due to a lack of proper tools to analyze quantity and quality.
Weak water distribution programs and plans in the current system are due to a lack of proper tools to analyze quantity and quality.
Urgent need for Measuring, Monitoring and Managing quantity, quality and pressure at supply, distribution and consumption due to growing population.



Smart Ideal Water Management

“Measures, Monitors and Manages the Quantity, Quality and Pressure of Water in the system and helps the customers in saving Water, Energy and Money through AI/ML/IoT platforms”

Objectives of SIWam

Supervising, navigating and distribution of water on  fingertips
On hand alerting of any Red flags Triggered in the water system
Reduction of manual intervention thus reducing human error
Flexible and customizable Analytics as needed by the user to make decision.

Unique Selling Proposition

Customer Value

Residential Association

Residential Flat Owners

Commercial Building Owners

Rural / Urban / Smart City

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